Classes begin August 12th.
HPHL 1013 Phlebotomy
This course discusses introductory information relative to phlebotomy theory and fundamental phlebotomy skills, including venipucture, capillary sticks, infection control procedures, and lab tests that the Phlebotomist may perform, including 75-hour classroom and 45-hour laboratory practice. Study of advanced phlebotomy skills and procedures that include laboratory administrative procedures, ube identification, and laboratory equipment usage is also included. Students perform introductory, fundamental, and advanced phlebotomy skills in the lab for instructor evaluation in preparation for clinical externship. Students spend an additional 90 hours of supervised preceptor clinical hours in a variety of health care sites to obtain the necessary course requirements for a total of 210 clock hours.
HPHL 1023 phlebotomy Clinical
Students will be using phlebotomy skills and procedures that include laboratory administrative procedures, tube identification, and laboratory equipment usafe is also included. Students perform introductory, fundamental, and advanced phlebotomy skills in the clinical setting. Students spend 90 hours of supervised preceptor clinical hours in a variety of health care sites to complete the necessary course requirements of 90 clock hours, 75 venipunctures and 5 dermal punctures. After completion students will take the Phlebotomy Technician Certification Exam.